When at the Masjid

This is something I put together this morning. Actually, the poem was written some time last week; I had a sudden burst of inspiration one day after salaah and had to quickly key it into my sister’s mobile phone as a draft SMS message otherwise I would have forgotten it. Strange thing is that I did forget about it until this morning when she sent it to my phone!

It’s dedicated to all the little darlings who see a spacious Masjid as a spacious playground.

~ Umm Junayd.



(click for full image)

3 thoughts on “When at the Masjid

  1. Salaams Sis:

    Cute poem. Perhaps we should post this at every masjid in the US … I don’t know what the kids do elsewhere.

    Could you also write one on the adab of visiting, lol! I have had kids tear through my house like a tornado while their moms just sit there and drink tea 🙂

    Yes, I know … I’m old and cranky, lol.

  2. Wa ‘alaikumus-salaam sis.

    Nice of you to drop by! Yes, it should be posted in masjids in the U.K too – well, those which allow women ans children.

  3. Asalamu Alaikom sister… your ideas are beautiful and I love them! I was wondering if you could do more like this but trying to use more positives for the children… (instead of no, ect) I am a big fan of positives and I think it helps learning. I will try to post if I think of anything as an example! 🙂

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